Have you ever felt like you're at a crossroads? You're desperate to help your child recover but paralyzed by fear of making the wrong move. You're not alone. Many parents approach me, eager to start chelating their children from heavy metals. They believe that toxic metals are at the root of their child’s struggles but they are afraid to make them worse. They’ve been told that before any detox can begin, they need to "open" their child’s blocked detox pathways. This notion is misleading and can scare parents to delay actions that could help their child recover. In this blog post, we'll debunk the myths holding you back. We'll focus on the body's natural detox systems and explore the proper ways to support your child through their detox journey. Let's navigate the complexities of detox and create a healthier future for our children.
The myth of the closed detox pathway seems to explain why, despite facing the same toxin exposures, some children experience negative effects while others continue to develop typically. The distinction between these children isn't about blocked detox pathways—it's about genetics. It is similar to how different people burn calories. Everyone’s metabolism is not the same. You’ve all known that person (or maybe you are one of the lucky ones) who can munch on burgers and fries all day and not gain an ounce. Meanwhile, the rest of us feel like we gain 5 pounds just by looking at a slice of cake. Some people can naturally clear metals from their body in 90 days and for others, it takes 300+ days. But thinking that someone's detox pathways are closed and therefore it’s dangerous to chelate? That's not how it works. The truth is, that the body’s detoxification systems including the liver, kidneys, and bowels are constantly at work. If these pathways were closed, the chemicals in the environment even in the food they eat every day would make our children very sick. The fact that your child is alive and not in the hospital is proof their detox pathways are working.
The closed pathways myth stems from Biomed's reluctance to chelate. They use unsafe forms of chelation and parents have reported many bad results. Instead of realizing the issue is with their faulty protocols, Biomed Doctors start looking for other explanations. They argue that because our children's bodies can't detox effectively, administering a chelator will mobilize metals. But it will cause damage because they won’t be able to eliminate them. They tap into the deep-seated fears and anxieties of parents who are afraid to do something that might make their child worse. Their solution is to waste time and money to “open” the detox pathways first.
For more than twenty years, kids have done low-dose chelation without addressing detox pathways. One family's story stands out. The father had hepatitis C, which he passed to his son. Both had very high liver enzyme levels, a common issue with this disease. Despite these challenges, they chose ACC chelation for their son because he was regressing. Their situation tested the idea that liver problems could complicate chelation. They tested the son's liver due to hepatitis C. To control enzyme levels, they used high doses of milk thistle. Despite liver issues, they continued chelation, and not only did their son's behavior improve but so did his liver function.
Believing in this myth can significantly set back your child’s recovery. Chasing the idea of "opening" pathways can lead to unnecessary doctor visits and tests, delaying recovery. The sooner we focus on removing heavy metals safely, the quicker we'll see progress. So let's take a closer look at the body’s main detox pathways.
Phase 1: Transformation involves the activation of toxins through various chemical reactions. This process often creates chemicals that are more toxic to the body than before. But, it prepares them for elimination in phase 2. We are going to talk more about phase one later in this post.
In Phase 2, activated toxins from Phase 1 are combined with other substances. This makes them water-soluble and less harmful. This phase is energy-intensive, requiring ATP and an array of nutrients. We support this phase with the nutrients needed for different conjugation pathways.
When people say detox is slow or sluggish, they're referring to Phase 2. If you know the supplements recommended for low-dose chelation, you'll see that phase 2 support nutrients are part of the protocol. Milk thistle not only helps the liver's phase 2 pathway but also reduces oxidative stress and supports bile flow. This breaks down and transports substances. You can find more details on dosing in the Detoxing Kids book and video course.
Phase 1, on the other hand, breaks down toxins quite effectively on its own. But, the resulting byproducts may be quite harmful and could lead to significant problems if allowed to accumulate. Supporting phase 1 involves reducing the substances the liver has to process. To lower your child’s toxic burden and create a healthier home environment, consider some of these action steps:
We can reduce the toxic burden our children face by focusing on these areas. This will lessen the harmful substances their bodies must deal with and support their natural detox function. Let's empower ourselves to take action and create a safe, toxin-free environment for our children to thrive in.
You don't have to wait to help your child recover from heavy metal toxicity. In this post, we explored myths about detox pathways and ways to help your child's natural detox process. You can begin detoxing heavy metals with the protocol in the Detoxing Kids Guidebook. At the same time, you can make changes in your home that reduce your child's toxic burden. There is no need to delay. Take it step by step and don't feel overwhelmed. By making small, consistent changes you will see amazing results. Together, let's empower ourselves with knowledge and resources to create a healthier home for our loved ones
This detailed list of everyday products to replace with non-toxic alternatives simplifies your transition, ensuring you can easily keep track of your progress.
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