$297.00 USD

The information provided by GenDetox and its representatives is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other healthcare professional. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your healthcare regimen, especially for individuals with specific health conditions or needs. The use of any information provided by GenDetox is solely at your own risk. GenDetox and its representatives do not assume any liability for the information provided or its use.

Detoxing Kids Video Course

We can't wait to see you on the inside of Detoxing Kids. We'll be sending information about how to access your course so watch your email for details.

Detoxing Kids Course is perfect for you if:

  • You're just getting started. You want to do it right and not waste time.
  • You're struggling and want to find the best solutions so you can heal your child.
  • You're not just looking for an authority to tell you what supplements to give.
  • You're spending hours reading and researching but end up confused or unsure.
  • You're terrified that you will do something that will cause more harm to your child.
  • You want help to break it down step-by-step, so you know you are doing it right.
  • You know that with solid guidance, you can finally start healing your child from toxic metals.

In The Course You’ll Get:

  • Core Modules 1-4 +Bonus Modules
    You get access to all four core modules. Each Module contains 4-6 actionable lessons. As you complete a module, the next one opens so you can work through the program on your time. 
  • Checklists, Worksheets, Printable Resource pages
    We simplify the process of learning everything you need to know and understand to heal your child.
  • Quizzes with Every Module
    We've also included short quizzes to highlight the most important takeaways from each lesson.
  • Bonus Recorded Coaching Sessions:  You will also get access to 20 weeks of recorded group coaching calls.  It's a DIY coaching course so you can watch these anytime you want. Take them with you and listen while you are driving to work or doing the dishes.  It's a huge value already included in the program.

[This course is for educational purposes only. By signing up and paying I acknowledge that I understand that Tressie Taylor, Jan Martin, and any GenDetox affiliates are not licensed, medical providers.  Please refer all medical questions or care to your medical provider. ]